
Visit Amarnath by Tempo Traveller

Amarnath Ji is located in state of Jammu & Kashmir. Total distance is about 630 KM by tempo traveller which you can book through Journeydeal Travels website . If you want to visit Amarnathji Shine you have to visit the state of Jammu & Kashmir in India. And in Jammu and Kashmir you have to visit via Baltal and pehalgam. Baltal is about 13 Km from where the track starts and pehalgam is about 40 K.M it takes about 1 or two days to reach Pehalgam and baltal. By the way reaching Amarnath Shine via Pehalgam is very beautiful as the scenic beauty through this route is admirable. We recommend to travel to amarnath through tempo traveller as this is the best option to cover the place with beautiful siteseeing within the route. More details about Amarnath things to remember and checklist can be seen through the post mentioned below about the route.
amarnath cave

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