Over View About Ajmer
Distance From Delhi to Ajmer by tempo traveller is about 430 K.M and total time it takes from Delhi to Reach ajmer is about 7 Hours. Mostly Ajmer is quite popular within tourist for Ajmer Sharif Dargah but there is lot more to explore which you can view through our Specialized tour packages to Ajmer by Tempo traveller from delhi. If you are in ajmer do visit to Ana Sagar Lake. This lake is a man made lake which rise in summers. The third and very intersting place which you can visit while your visit to Ajmer is adhai din ka jhonpda visit to this place is also coverd by tempotraveller.in tour packages. This mosqe was built in two and half days by the orders of mohammad gauri. But in actual this place was a temple which was converted in mosque in two and half days by mohammat gauri who was in row distroying most of the Indian Temples and Rajputana Culture within his empire in India. The fourth must visit place is Nareli Jain Temple. This Jain Temple is a master peice Jain Temple and favourable for peace and relax of mind. where hundreds of Jainism people visit to meditate bhagwan rishabh dev. Statue of Prithvi Raj Chauhan built with Black stone mounted with horse with a bow and arrow in his hand. He was known for his courage bravery and pretorism towards his city. Journeydeal provides best siteseeing experiences to travellers who book their tour packages with journeydeal trip planner company. Last but not the least is Rangji Temple ths temple is named after lord Rangji. So if you are planning to visit Ajmer and want to experience the above mentioned all siteseeing you can book your Ajmer tour package by tempo traveller in which all these siteseeing are covered.